Give It My Best

 I guess it is about time to get to the purpose of this blog.  Being the completionist that I am, I always set out set finish what I start.  This really only comes into play when achievements or collections are involved.  If it is a project, forget about it.  That will sit unfinished for a very long time.  Even if I lost interest in the topic long before I finish, I find it hard to stop.  I must go on.

Going back 30 years now, I have always set out to watch each Best Picture Academy Award nominee each year prior to the Awards.  For a while there, I was successful.  Once the nominee list exploded in size a few years ago, it became harder and harder.  A family and a job also make it a little more difficult.

It is time to start something new.

I am setting out to watch every Best Picture winner within the next year.  Starting on May 13th, 2024 until May 12th, 2025.  I will document my journey on this blog, hopefully motivating myself to keep going.  In order to succeed, I will have to target about 2 movies a week till the end.

It will be a long year ahead but at least I will "Give It My Best!"


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