Movie #2: Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare in Love

Date Watched: 05/17/24

Format: Streaming on TV via Max

"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?"

Directing (⭐⭐):

The movie really fell short here, in my opinion.  I don't think there was anything special with Madden's direction.  

Writing (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

I like what Norman and Stoppard did with this movie.  The story is original but still ties into the Shakespeare stories we know.  I did not find much wasted on this script, both action and conversation wise.  The only reason perfection was not achieved was due to the language the actors used.  It was this odd mix of period and Shakespearean.  It was a distraction at times.

Acting (⭐⭐⭐):

A tale of two extremes.  An amazing supporting cast and two leads that just did not work for me.  Rush, Wilkinson, Dench, Staunton, and Firth.  I would watch this movie with this cast all day long.  I will continue to scratch my head about Fiennes.  Paltrow just reminded me of Claire Danes throughout the whole movie.  25 years later and I still don't understand those two choices.

Wildcard (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

Art/Set decoration and costume design.  This was the biggest win for me.  The attention to detail was spot on.  I was pleased that the sets especially, were not just hidden with dark lighting.  There was a lot of great light in this film highlighting the details.  The Rose looked better than I could have imagined.  This is what put this film into the Best Picture category.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda:

I am sure there has always been controversy at the Academy Awards, particularly in the Best Picture category.  In my lifetime, however, this was the most controversial.  This is my opinion, but I know it is the opinion of many others, also.  Was I surprised?  No.  After the recent love for films such as Titanic and The English Patient, I was not too surprised when another love story took the top spot.

Saving Private Ryan should have won.  Maybe a year later it would have.  I shake my head to this day.

Note: Although not nominated, American History X was also one of the best pictures of the year.


1) Gone with the Wind (Movie #1) 17⭐

2) Shakespeare in Love (Movie #2) 13⭐


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