Movie #6: Wings


Date Watched: 06/01/24

Format: Streaming on TV via Tubi

It was worth the experience but nothing I would watch again.

Directing (⭐⭐⭐):

Was it really a film being directed?  The action was revolutionary, but the rest was forgettable.  I will call it average.

Writing (⭐):

Screenwriting, in the modern sense, is a lot different than it was in 1927.  That does not mean you can't have a good story.  This story was just plain bad.  You can tell the Mary angle was forced into the story.  This was an action film and that is about it.

Acting (⭐⭐):

I give the actors an extra star because you do have to act different in silent films in order to get your point across.  It may be a little exaggerated, but it works.  Outside of that, nothing stood out as excellent or even average.  There was no tension in the romantic relationships nor the so-called friendship between Jack and Dave.

Wildcard (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

The history of it all.  By many standards, the film is mediocre.  However, this will always be the 1st Best Picture award winner and it does deserve some credit.  On top of that, this film also brought action filmmaking into the next generation.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda:

With the sheer lack of competition and the fact I have not seen any other film from 1927, I would have to say the Academy got it right.


1) Forrest Gump (Movie #5) 20⭐

2) Gone with the Wind (Movie #1) 17⭐

3) On the Waterfront (Movie #3) 16⭐

4) Amadeus (Movie #4) 13⭐

5) Shakespeare in Love (Movie #2) 13⭐

6) Wings (Movie #6) 10⭐


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