Movie #7: Rain Man

Rain Man

Date Watched: 06/07/24

Format: Streaming on iPad and TV via Prime Video

I remember being younger and scratching my head at the success of this movie.  Of course, I was still a child, and was told over and over again that I just won't understand good movies like this one until I am older.

... I still waiting

Directing (⭐⭐):

Not much of a challenge and nothing special.  Decent scenes in Vegas made it OK.  Other than that it was interior location, vehicle, interior location, vehicle, rinse and repeat.

Writing (⭐⭐):

I struggled with this one.  I times, I thought it was great, smart, writing and then I just found it lazy.  There are only so many "tricks" you could have Raymond play before it got stale and repetitive.

Acting (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

OK writing and directing, but Cruise and Hoffman were able to rise above.

Wildcard (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

Awareness.  This is where this movie makes up some ground.  Like I said, it got stale and old at times, but Rain Man really put autism in the forefront.  It's message showing the level of intelligence people on the spectrum can have it home.  It's also highlights who difficult it is to live in a society that just doesn't understand and isn't adapted to their way of thinking.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda:

There were some good movies in 1988 but for the most part, every "award worthy" movie was just OK.  What a great year for cult classics though.  Beetlejuice, Coming to America, Scrooged, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Willow, and Die Hard.  Wow!


1) Forrest Gump (Movie #5) 20⭐

2) Gone with the Wind (Movie #1) 17⭐

3) On the Waterfront (Movie #3) 16⭐

4) Amadeus (Movie #4) 13⭐

5) Shakespeare in Love (Movie #2) 13⭐

6) Rain Man (Movie #7) 12⭐

7) Wings (Movie #6) 10⭐


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