Movie #9: Moonlight


Date Watched: 06/22/24

Format: Streaming on TV via Max

Not what I expected....

Directing (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

Overall pleased with the direction.  I had a feeling it was going down the wrong path with some of the camera movement and angles in the beginning, but it did get reigned back in.  Each section of the film had it's own unique feeling.  Well done.

Writing (⭐⭐⭐⭐):

Being a straight white male, I didn't know what to expect.  That is kinda why I was never in a rush to see this film in the first place.  I was pleasantly surprised at the emotional connection I felt with all (3) main characters.  Again, well done.

Acting (⭐⭐⭐):

Yes, it was a job well done by the leads.  Unfortunately, Ali's time was cut short.  Everything else felt forced for me.  Harris could not pull off here character very well, in my opinion.  Balance it all out to an average group of performances.

Wildcard (⭐⭐⭐):

I will rarely say this, especially amongst Oscar winning films, but this movie was just too short.  Because of the timeline, each section was cut way too early.  I really needed more of the 1st and last 3rds.  30 to 45 min and it would have been perfect.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda:

Well, I mean, La La Land did for a few minutes there and probably could have taken everything.  Since I did not see Moonlight prior to the awards that year, it felt disappointing at the time.  Now, however, I do see how it won.  I really enjoyed Arrival and Hell or High Water.


1) Forrest Gump (Movie #5) 20⭐

2) Gone with the Wind (Movie #1) 17⭐

3) On the Waterfront (Movie #3) 16⭐

4) Moonlight (Movie #9) 14⭐

5) Amadeus (Movie #4) 13⭐

6) Shakespeare in Love (Movie #2) 13⭐

7) Rain Man (Movie #7) 12⭐

8) Wings (Movie #6) 10⭐

9) Midnight Cowboy (Movie #8) 9⭐


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